What Are Ofsted Inspections?
Ofsted stands for the Office for Standards in Education. It is a non-ministerial government department responsible for the inspection of all schools and other educational organisations in England.
The frequency of inspection is determined by the outcome of the school's most recent inspection. There are four grades of overall outcome:
- Outstanding/ Good Schools - will normally receive an ungraded inspection 4 years later
- Requires Improvement - will usually receive a graded inspection within 30 months.
- Inadequate - will result in further action/monitoring depending on the reasons for the judgement.
Graded inspections are carried out under section 5 of the Education Act 2005 and previously were known as section 5 inspections. In graded inspections, Ofsted use the full framework and grade the school for its overall effectiveness and against their key judgement grade descriptors.
Ungraded inspections are carried out under section 8 of the Education Act 2005, and were previously known as section 8 inspections of good and outstanding schools. These inspections do not results in individual graded judgements, focusing on whether the school remains the same grade as it was at the previous inspection.
Normally, schools get half a day’s notice of a full inspection, but Ofsted has the power to go into schools without any notice if it considers it necessary.
Graded inspections usually last for two days, however, an ungraded inspection of a primary school with fewer than 150 children will normally last for one day and the team will include Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI) and/or contracted Ofsted inspectors – normally practising headteachers and deputy heads.
Before the inspection, the inspectors gather information about the school from a range of sources, by reading the previous Ofsted report, reports of any interim monitoring, Ofsted's Inspection Data Summary Report, academic data, information about funding, curriculum information, policies, use of funding, information about SEND provision/ equalities/ governance and information from the school’s website. They also send a letter to parents inviting them to share their opinions about the school on Ofsted’s Parent View website.
During the inspection, to evaluate the quality of education, inspectors will look at the scope of the curriculum and the schools intent, implementation and impact. They will form a top-level view of the curriculum through conversations and data. They will want to see the quality of education first hand and will perform several subject 'deep dives', looking at a wide variety of pupils from different year groups. They will talk with curriculum leaders and teachers, carry out joint visits to lessons, scruitinse pupils' work and talk to and observe pupils. Through these activities inspectors are able to build a clear picture of what life is like at the school and how well pupils are learning.
At the end of the inspection the judgement will be reported to the Headteacher and governors and the findings are published in a report for the school, parents and the wider community on the Ofsted website - https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/
Last Inspection
The school was last inspected on 1st and 2nd November 2022 and was awarded a rating of ‘Good’ in every category.
Letter to parents re. outcome of Ofsted Inspection- December 2022
Below are some of the comments from the inspection report:
- The school is a family
- Pupils focus on their learning with enthusiasm
- There is a warm and caring culture
- It is a nurturing environment for pupils
- Pupils are attentive and respectful
- Older pupils act as positive role-models
- There are many opportunities to enhance pupils' personal development
- Leaders have high expectations for pupils
- Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well supported
- Parents appreciate the open and approachable nature of leaders and staff
- Pupils have many opportunities for leadership
- In early years the curriculum is ambitious and challenging
- Children demonstrate the Christian values
- Leaders prioritise reading fluency and a love of books
Further Information