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All Cannings CofE



The school is able to administer medication which has been prescribed by a doctor.  We are unable to administer over-the-counter medicines such as Calpol, or cough medicine, but we are happy for parents to come in and administer these themselves.

If your child needs to receive a prescription medicine during the day please visit the school office to complete a consent form.  All medication must be in its original container, with the name and prescription details visible.

Reporting Illness

Sometimes it is tricky to know whether, or not, your child is well enough to attend school. Please see this NHS guidance, Is my child too ill for school? If your child is unable to attend school please telephone the school office as soon as possible to report their absence.

Measles - Following a rise in cases of measles in Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Public Health England have urged parents to ensure their children receive two doses of the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine.  Measles is a highly infectious viral disease which can lead to serious complications but vaccination rates remain below the 95% required to provide population protection.


When a pupil joins the school, and at intervals thereafter, parents and carers are asked to inform the school if their child has any medical conditions including asthma.  Parents of asthma pupils are asked to complete an asthma profile which provides the school with information for the asthma register such as triggers and treatment regime.  They are also asked for consent to administer the school’s emergency inhaler should the need arise.  (The school holds one salbutamol inhaler which can be used for a pupil (who has parental consent) in an emergency).

The school does all it can to ensure the school environment is favourable to pupils with asthma.

   Asthma Policy

Common Childhood Illnesses

If your child is suffering from a doubtful rash, raised temperature, sore throat or discharge from the eyes or nose they should be kept at home until they feel well enough to go to school.  If you are unsure, we suggest contacting your GP Surgery or NHS 111 Online for further advice (click on logo to access website).  On the rare occasion children need prescription medication during the school day a written parent consent form needs to be completed.

Children who are unwell with a communicable disease should not be at school and should not return until they are feeling better and the risk of infection to others has passed.  Below is a list of the more common communicable diseases and periods of exclusion from school.


Nature of Infection

Minimal Exclusion Period

Chickenpox and Shingles  

Viral infection - infectious from one or two days before the rash starts until blisters have crusted over.  Shingles only occurs in people who have previously had chickenpox infection.  Shingles has a similar exclusion period.

Keep your child off school until all the spots have crusted over. This is usually 5 days after the spots first appeared. 

Cold sores

Caused by a virus.

There is no need to keep your child off school. Encourage them not to touch the blister or kiss anyone or share things like cups and towels.


Inflammation of the eye and eyelid which is spread by skin contact, e.g. rubbing eyes, sharing towels.

You do not need to keep your child away from school but you should get advice from a pharmacist and start treatment immediately. Encourage your child not to rub their eyes and to wash their hands frequently.

Covid-19 Symptoms

High temperature

New persistent cough

Loss of taste or smell

If your child has mild symptoms, such as a runny nose, sore throat, or slight cough and feels well enough, they can go to school.

Your child should try and stay at home and avoid contact with other people if they have symptoms of Covid AND they have either a high temperature or are not well enough to do their normal activities.

Diarrhoea and Vomiting

see advice for food poisoning below.

Child should stay home until they have not been sick or had diarrhoea for at least 2 days (48 hrs)

Ear Infection


If your child has severe earache and a high temperature then keep them off school until they are feeling better or the temperature has gone away.

Food Poisoning

This is caused by a wide range of viruses and bacteria.  Symptoms can vary depending on the infectious agent but may include vomiting and diarrhoea, abdominal pain, nausea and fever.

Children with diarrhoea or vomiting should not attend school until 48 hours after the last episode.

German Measles

Mild viral disease which may involve a skin rash and a slight feeling of being unwell.

5 days from onset of rash and until child feels well

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Viral disease most common in under 3s.  It usually lasts 5-7 days and does not require any treatment.  It is very contagious and spread by skin contact and discharges

There is no need to stay off school if your child seems well enough.

Children are generally contagious 2 days prior to the rash appearing and for 5 days whilst they have the rash. Children should be kept off school while they're feeling unwell but return once they feel better. There is no need to wait until all the blisters have healed.

Encourage your child to throw tissues away straight away and wash hands regularly.


Headlice can only be spread by head to head contact.  Treatment should only be carried out if live, moving lice are seen in the hair.  In addition, it is recommended that regular combing is carried out to ensure early detection.

No period of exclusion but please let the school know and start treatment immediately. You can obtain advice online or from your pharmacist.

High temperature


Keep your child off until it goes away.


This is an acute viral disease which is spread by the respiratory route.  Incubation is 1-5 days.  A vaccine is available.


Bacterial skin infection causing blisters.  The fluid in the blister is contagious.  Treatment is by cream and antibiotics.

Your child will need treatment from a GP, often with antibiotics. Keep them off school until all the sores have crusted over and healed, or 48 hours after they have started the antibiotic treatment.  Encourage your child to wash hands regularly and not to share things like towels/cups with others. 


The risk of infection is greatest before the rash appears.  The rash appears about 3-4 days after the child is first ill.

Children are often poorly and will be too ill to attend school.

Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

This is commonly found on the hair, skin and in the nostrils of 30% of the population.  It usually causes no harm but can sometimes cause infections such as boils, sties, infected cuts and abscesses which may need antibiotics.

A child does not need to be absent from school unless they feel unwell.


A viral infection of the salivary glands.

5 days from onset of swollen glands and child feels well


These are usually caused by a virus and will only require antibiotics if the infection is bacterial and severe.

A child should stay at home until they feel well.


This is caused by a fungal infection either on the scalp, head or feet.

See your pharmacist for advice unless it is on their scalp in which case you should see a GP. It if fine to attend school once treatment has started.


Skin condition caused by a tiny mite which is spread by skin to skin contact.  Treatment is usually necessary for all family and close contacts

Child can return to school day after treatment

Scarlet Fever (Scarlatina)

This disease is caused by a common bacterium which can spread easily from person to person and requires antibiotic treatment.

Your child will need treatment with antibiotics from GP. Otherwise they'll be infectious for 2-3 weeks.

Your child can go back to school 24 hours after starting antibiotics.

Slapped Cheek

This disease is caused by the human parvovirus.  It is mild and involves a rash and possibly a slight fever.  The early part of the disease is contagious

By the time a child develops the rash they are no longer infectious so they can continue to attend school. Let us know if you think your child has this.

Sore throat


Your child can go to school but if they also have a high temp they should stay home until it goes away. A sdre throat and high temp can be symptoms of tonsillitis.


This is not serious or dangerous but is a common infection which requires medication from the chemist and all family members need to be treated.

Your child does not have to stay off school. Speak to pharmacist who can recommend treatment. Child may return after treatment


These are warts on the feet caused by a viral infection.  They have a limited life span and usually heal by themselves but this can take up to two years.  They are spread by direct contact and touch but not easily.

Child does not need to stay away from school and can go swimming if verucca is covered with a waterproof plaster or sock


Child should stay home until they have not been sick or had diarrhoea for at least 2 days (48 hrs)

Whooping Cough

5 days from commencing antibiotics or 21 days without treatment

Further Information

You may also be interested in downloading the above app which provides expert health advice on managing the six most common childhood illnesses.
