Percentage of pupils with SEND in the school
- The percentage of children with SEND as measured by SEN Support is 11.00 % and by EHC Plans is 0.6%
- The school and surrounding environment are accessible for both wheelchair and non-wheelchair users.
- School trips are carefully planned to ensure that every pupil is catered for regardless of need.
- Activities outside of the classroom are accessible to everyone.
- Our school dinners are able to cater for any specialist diet.
- Allergies are adhered too.
- There are a variety of afterschool clubs ensuring there is a club for everyone.
- We have a trained ELSA in school to help with a child’s social and emotional development.
- The curriculum will be adapted as necessary to ensure that a pupil will be able to access it.
- The school's approach to teaching children with SEN will include differentiation and planning in consultation with the child and the parent. The school has an extensive range of additional learning resources for individual and small group learning.
- Should a parent want to discuss their child ‘s learning then the class teacher will be happy to arrange an appointment, if there are further concerns then an appointment with the Head teacher can be made.
- Teaching staff will seek advice from the school SENCO – S Baggaley
Training and Resources
- SEND funding is used to run intervention programmes and to support individual and small groups of pupils dependent on their need
- Mr Richard Borman qualified SENCO Mrs Baggaley EQUA SENCO ½ day per week
- Mrs Draisey is SEND/ Inclusion Manager
- Speech and Language- We have a TA able to carry out programmes set by the Speech Therapist
- We have a qualified dyslexia teacher in school, together with highly trained and experienced TAs
- We have a member of staff who is a qualified life coach
- There is a lead member of staff for mental health and well-being
- We have extensive assessment material
- As a school we access the following services; Speech and Language, Educational Psychology, Behaviour Support and Specialist Learning Support
- Should a child require ongoing additional equipment or facilities to support them, the school where possible will secure funding, via an EHC plan when appropriate, or by school funds, or by charity application.
- Should a parent not be happy with the training or expertise available to their child then an appointment with the Head Teacher should be made, failing this then a parent may seek advice from County Hall or from SENDIAS 01225 255266
- A pupil's progress is regularly monitored and measured and will be discussed in consultation with parents at parents evenings
- Should there ever be any issues or problems with a child the school will arrange an appointment with the parents
- Consultation with parents with regards to their child’s SEN and how to involve them in child’s education.
- As a school we fully believe that every child should reach their potential, in order to do this targets are set, and progress is very carefully monitored
- As a school we monitor progress and attainment rigorously
- Should a parent have a concern about their child then they are welcome to make an appointment with either the class teacher, Mrs Draisey SEN Manager, Mr Borman Headteacher SENCO, Mrs Baggaley EQUA SENCO or SEND Governor, Mr Thomas Wilson
- If any parent is not happy with any aspect of their child's SEND Education and would like to make a formal complaint please refer to the school's Complaint Procedure under Policies.
- A child’s voice is very important, we recognise this by involving them with the completion of their targets and One Page Profiles, we also have a very strong School Council and Pupil Surveys
- The school regularly interacts with a wide range of external agencies in supporting individual pupil and family needs. The SEN Manager regularly attends DALMAF (Devizes & Lavington Multi-Agency Forum) and networks with key individuals. Where necessary, the school will be in contact with the child's SEND Lead Worker.
Looked After Children
The school has a named governor for Looked After Children - Mrs R Deadman, the member of staff responsible is Mrs Draisey
Assessment and Review
- Initial identification of need will be made by classroom teaching staff, using in-class assessment and the WGRSS (Wiltshire Graduated Response to SEN Support). Other indicators such as attendance and behaviour may also trigger support
- Following assessment, support will be put in place, the amount and type of support will be dependent on the findings of the assessment or from advice from an outside agency. Each pupil’s needs are very individual and are treated as thus.
- A pupil will be assessed following permission from the child’s parent or carer, all findings and reports are shared, the thoughts and feelings of the pupil and parents form a very important part of identifying needs. Regular meetings are held in order to review the needs of the pupil.
- Progress is measured three times a year through APP. Impact from individual intervention programmes will be measured regularly and recorded on the school's pupil tracking software. In addition, children with SEND will be discussed within school pupil progress meetings which are held three times a year. Arising from this, interim review meetings for some children will also take place.
- When a pupil is changing classes within the school they spend time with their new teacher in the term prior to transition. Class teachers will share information to ensure a smooth transition takes place, if necessary new equipment or adjustments to the classroom will be made.
- Secondary schools- our children feed into several of the local secondary schools all of which we have a close working relationship with. When required a pupil may have additional visits to the new school or specialist programmes will be put in place to ensure a smooth move and the SEN Manager has good relationships with other local SENCOs at both primary and secondary level
- The Inclusion Manager is free to visit families, where necessary.
Medical Needs
The school has policies on the Administration of Medicines and Medical Needs which can be accessed via Policies and Documents.
The school has qualified paediatric first aiders, also a number of staff who have completed epi pen training.
Dietary Requirements
School meals are cooked on site and we are able to accommodate allergies and special diets, e.g. dairy, gluten free, vegetarian.
Questions from young people
What are the facilities like? What do you have?
- We have a very well equipped playground; Outdoor play materials, a large playground and a flat field for when it is dry. There are also some quiet areas and we offer a Lunch Club twice a week. Within school, as part of our pastoral support all children belong to the house system. We have an active School Council with representatives from all year groups as well as sports leaders and house captains. We also have trained Anti Bullying Ambassadors, the children are a constant presence in the playground.
Do the staff have training in working with young people with special needs or disability? If so, what training?
- We have taught many children with different needs; Specific Learning Difficulties, ASD, Downs Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy and children with speech and motor difficulties. We have a qualified dyslexia teacher. Staff have also undertaken competency training for medical needs, ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant), SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) and specific literacy and numeracy interventions. We have a wellbeing and mental health lead and a Senior Mental Health Lead
Are the staff and pupils friendly?
- The staff and pupils are very friendly and caring
What do you do about bullying?
- Bullying is not tolerated in our school. Please see our Anti Bullying Policy in the Policies section.
Is it fully accessible?
- You can get everywhere in the school and the grounds in your wheelchair. We have a designated disabled parking space as well as a drop-off area.
Could I meet students who go to the school and speak to them about what the school is really like?
- When you come to visit the school you will be able to talk to the pupils and ask them to show you around
As a school we have experience in and/or can provide support for
- Dyslexia
- Specific Learning Difficulties
- Dyspraxia
- Downs Syndrome
- Cerebral Palsy
- Emotional delay
- Speech therapy
- Occupational therapy and physiotherapy visits
- Communication needs
- Counselling
What can we offer
- Vision screening
- SPARKS (motor skills assessment and programme)
- Listening programme
- An experienced staff
- Coaching and NLP
Cultural Backgrounds
- We are a Christian school which offers support to children and families from all ethnic and racial backgrounds.
County Overview and Parent support
The Wiltshire Local Offer can be found at › local-offer
The offer identifies what is on offer within Wiltshire, this may differ to an individual school offer.
Support and guidance for parents can be found at Wiltshire Parent Council-
If you have any questions regarding the above please contact our SEN Manager, Mrs Michelle Draisey on 01380 860676 or