Our School Day
In the morning we operate a 'Drop and Go' system which is run by a member of staff, Mrs Carol Little, together with a rota of volunteer parents. This came about through the work of one of our governors and a working party from the local community and has helped to significantly improve the movement of cars and the safety of pedestrians in the school car park. Parents can drop children off and they will be escorted safely into school by our volunteers.
Children can start to arrive from 8.45 a.m. when they will be able to go straight into class as the teachers will have set up activities to ensure a productive start to the school day. As the playground is unsupervised, please do not leave children unaccompanied before this time. The classroom doors and side gates are closed at 9.00 a.m. so parents arriving after this time are asked to come in through the main entrance and complete the Late Book.
We have some exciting large outdoor apparatus which is available to children during playtime as it is supervised by school staff. Children are not allowed to play on the outdoor apparatus before and after school unless supervised by school staff. We also have Huff and Puff equipment. These are boxes of play equipment such as stilts and skipping ropes which are available to use during breaktimes.
8.45am | Children arrive for starter activities |
9.00 am | School starts/Registration |
9.15 to 9.30 am | Worship (except Mondays when we have Golden Worship at 3.00 p.m.) |
10.30 to 10:50 am | Morning Break |
12.00 to 1.00 pm | Lunchtime |
3.30 pm | School Day ends |
Our Compulsory Opening times are 9:00am - 3:30pm (i.e. 32.5 hours per week)