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All Cannings CofE



We are lucky enough to have a thriving Parents, Teachers & Friends Association in school, which was formed in 1987.  It contributes greatly to the heart and soul of All Cannings School.  As well as a regular annual contribution towards the cost of transport for school trips and towards the cost of our IT Suite, the PTFA has raised money for many essential items over the years including stage lighting, playground markings, PE equipment, digital cameras for each class, new reading books and new playground equipment for the older children 

Activities are arranged for fund raising, but just as importantly, for fun. There are huge “school” community benefits to getting involved and helping out at events, the children love it too. As well as arranging events for children and families, we also aim to involve the local community. Examples include: Halloween Disco, Film Nights, Quiz and Curry Night, a Christmas Market and Summer Fete during which we run a netball and football tournament for other schools.

We are always open to new ideas and encourage people to come and join in to make events happen.  We work as a team with everyone contributing, when they can, to individual events.

  • Chair:          Tamsin Succony
  • Vice-Chair   Aimee Jenkins
  • Treasurer:   Becky Fletcher
  • Secretary:   Sarah Timmis

The PTFA can be contacted via the school office on  or

Halloween Disco 2022-23

The PTFA held their magnificent Halloween Disco in November. 

PTFA Halloween Disco - Nov 22

Y6 Leavers Colour Run - Summer 2022

The PTFA gave our Y6s a wonderful send off in the summer with a fabulous Colour run.


 Gifts for the school in 2018-19

In December 2018, members of the PTFA presented very generous gifts to each of the classes as well as contributing towards the school's radio project and new reading scheme.



Gifts for the school in 2019-20

In the autumn KS2 enjoyed a trip to see Lion King in Bristol and KS1 went to see Sleeping Beauty at the Wyvern. 

 The PTFA have kindly agreed to purchase a set of Ipads which the school will have in place for 2020-21
