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At All Cannings we believe success looks different for every child and therefore needs to be measured in a variety of ways.  You will find many of these throughout the website or within school and these can include press articles, certificates, photos, surveys, trophies ... I am sure you can think of many others.

However, we also understand the importance of more measurable outcomes.  These can either be in the form of academic outcomes - often measured in the form of national test results, rankings and performance tables and recognition from the Department of Education.

We are equally proud of our school's reputation.  This has resulted in visits from other schools to see senior leadership and high quality teaching in practice and has been showcased at various conferences and case studies, the most recent example being the DfE Anti Bullying Study on 'Approaches to preventing and tackling bullying' (June 2018).

Performance Tables

School and College Performance Tables are produced by the Department for Education (DfE) and published online each year in December.  As well as providing information on the achievements of pupils at KS2, they also allow comparison with similar schools both in the Local Authority (LA) and across England.  In addition, they provide details on the school’s expenditure and staffing.  

Please click here to see the latest school and college performance measures website.

December 2017 - 'The Telegraph' - The 1,000 best performing primary schools in Reading, Writing and Maths 2016-17

January 2018 - Letter from the DfE regarding the high standard of achievement in Reading in the KS2 SATs in 2017

February 2020 - Letter from the DfE regarding the very high standard of achievement Maths in the KS2 SATs in 2019

Phonics Screening

The phonics screening check is carried out at the end of Year 1 (June) to show how well children can use the phonic skills they've learned and to identify pupils who need extra help.  The tests themselves are short, taking no more than 10 minutes to complete.  The check consists of 40 words and non-words that the child will be asked to read to the teacher.  Non words are a collection of letters that follow phonic rules but don't mean anything.  The 40 words are divided into two sections - one with simple 3 or 4 letter words and one with more complex words.  Since the introduction of phonics screening in 2012 the pass threshold has remained at 32.  If children do not reach the standard they will be given extra help and will re-take the check in Year 2

Phonics Screening Results for 2023

Key Stage 1 and 2 Assessments

The performance measures below do not include the years 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

At the age of 7 (KS1, Year 2) pupils complete papers in English and Maths which are set externally but marked by their class teacher.  Science is teacher-assessed only.

Papers taken in Key Stage 2 (Year 6) in English (Reading and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and Maths are marked externally.  Science and Writing are teacher-assessed.
