At All Cannings we promote a set of positive values and attitudes that contribute to a shared ethos towards life and learning. Known as the 6Rs, they encompass:
Relationships e.g. collaborative learning; effective communication, ability to understand and follow class and school rules
Reflectiveness e.g. ability to apply knowledge and skills in new situations; willingness to learn from mistakes and take risks; ability to revise planning and review own learning
Resilience e.g. effort, perseverance and ability to complete tasks; ability to work with energy and enthusiasm, even when the learning is challenging; demonstration of good levels of concentration
Resourcefulness e.g. independent learning; ability to problem solve and think creatively; sense of enquiry
Respect e.g. taking care in presentation of learning; demonstrating politeness and good manners; respecting the views of other people, cultures and beliefs
Responsibility e.g. working on personal targets and learning at home; striving for personal best.
In July 2014 our Year 6 leavers presented the school with trophies representing each of the 6Rs. These are awarded three times a year to pupils who have exhibited a positive attitude to school and demonstrated particular strength in one of these areas.