School is proud of its family ethos and this is often commented upon by parents and visitors who see it first hand as they visit the school. One of the systems that helps to develop this is our use of the house system. Upon entry to school all children are allocated into one of our four houses - Earth, Air, Fire and Water, and they will be part of this group throughout their time at All Cannings.
Various whole school events are held where the children work together or compete in their houses and it is also used as part of our weekly reward system. This helps to ensure that children in different classes or different year groups become familiar and build positive relationships with each other. Siblings are always put in the same house. Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 House Captains are appointed each year as part of our emphasis on developing pupil responsibility. Classes also use the house system from time to time as part of their day-to-day learning.
At the end of every term we have a House Treat Day where the house with the most points earns a special treat. Treats have ranged from Easter egg hunts, pizza making, making and decorating biscuits and cakes and outdoor summer games.