School Meals
Our school meals are provided by Edwards and Ward. Meals are prepared and cooked on site by the company's own staff in our well equipped kitchen. Meals cost £2.40 per day. There are three choices of main meal a day (including a vegetarian option) on a three week rotation. Please see the current menu below.
Orders and payments can be placed online for the whole term via Parent Mail. The registers close a week in advance to enable the kitchen to order all supplies.
Children in EYFS and KS1 are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals. You will still need to order your child's meal choice, however, and we will expect anyone who has not ordered to bring in a packed lunch.
Edwards & Ward are able to cater for dietary needs. If your child has a special dietary requirement could you please complete the attached form and, together with accompanying medical evidence, email it to
Universal Infant Free School Meals
Since September 2014 all children in EYFS2 and Key Stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) have been entitled to receive a free school meal. We are pleased to report that take-up has been very high and we have received lots of positive feedback about the meals. We would remind parents that, although the meals are free, you still need to place an order, so we can ensure your child has the right choice of meal.
Free School Meals
Free school meals are available to eligible children who attend school on a full-time basis. Eligibility is based on parents being in receipt of one of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- Job Seeker's Allowance (income-based)
- Employment and Support Allowance (income-related)
- support under part six of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- the Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit - providing you are NOT entitled to Working Tax Credit and your family's annual income (as assessed by HMRC) is not more than £16,190 (as at 6 April 2012)
- Working Tax Credit 'run-on' - the payment you may receive for a further four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit (provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400, as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods)
If you think you may be eligible we would urge parents to apply as this also triggers additional targeted Pupil Premium funding for the school. You can apply directly online using the following link or, alternatively you can complete the form below and return it to Wiltshire Council.
Fruit & Veg Scheme
The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme is part of the 5 a day programme to increase fruit and vegetable consumption. All four to six year children in school are entitled to a free piece of fruit and vegetable each day. Currently this includes apples, pears, satsumas, bananas, carrots, cocktail tomatoes, sugar snap peas, strawberries and mini cucumbers.
School Milk
The School Food Plan has revised standards for food and drink in school and from January 2015 all schools are required to make lower fat milk available during the school day for all children. This is free for children under 5 and children eligible for free school meals who receive 1/3 of a pint a day. You can register your child at or collect a form from the school office. If you register before a Tuesday, your child will start receiving milk from the following week. If your child is over 5 you can still receive milk by registering at the same website address. The cost is around £15 per term. Payments can be made online.